Laughter, Fun & Joy!

We believe that the early years are the most important years in a person’s life and we aim to combine holistic learning with lots of fun, joy and laughter; the true essence of early childhood.

Every Child Is Unique!

We know that every child is a unique individual. That is why lesson plans are all individualised to cater for each child’s varying needs.

We Celebrate Childhood!

While we appreciate the strengths of each child, we also provide a nurturing learning environment where children can explore and take learning risks without fear of failure.

A Citizen Of The World

At San Lorenzo Preschool, we advocate the idea of “Global Education”. In our increasingly multicultural society, global education helps your child find his/her own place in the world community.

School Partnership

We believe that parents – school partnerships are essential in the development of a good early childhood education programme and we welcome open communication between parents and the school.

Lifelong Love For Learning

We hope that children will leave our kindergarten armed with confidence in themselves, a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them, ready for primary years and a lifelong love for learning.

Did You Know?

80% of your child’s brain will develop by age 5. That’s why a good preschool programme is so important during the earliest and most critical stages of your child’s life.

At San Lorenzo Preschool, our carefully crafted programmes incorporate fundamental activities that help build your child cognitive, social, and physical skills.

Featured Courses

San Lorenzo Preschool also offers a selective range of Preschool enrichment programmes.